Andali is a locality at the foot of Piccola
Sila, not too far from the Jonic coast. It is immersed
in a territory which is still naturalistic and uncontaminated.
Andali was probably founded by Albanian refugees escaping
towards Italy after being invaded by Turkey (1431), even though
the village most likely existed prior to their arrival.
What is certain is that Commander Demetrio Reres was nominated
governor of Calabria (1448) by the Aragonese for merits earned
in the battle fields. During this period, Andali assumed the
name of Villa Aragona.
A visit to the City
The area offers panoramic glimpses and evocative alleys where
one can immerse oneself in the past.
One can visit the 17th century Annunziata Church in Andali,
with its considerable adjustments and which preserves a canvas
depicting the Annunciation in its interior.
One can depart from Andali and discover the Sila National
Park or descend towards the beautiful Jonic coasts.
Place of interest
- Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata (1728)
- Palazzo Fragale
- Visita di Santa Severina
- Visita di Belcastro
- Visita di Sersale
- Visita di Zagarise
- Visita di Cropani
- Visita di Petilia Policastro
- Visita di Simeri e Crichi
- Nessun museo segnalato
- The Sacred Heart of Jesus on 30th June;
- Sausage Festival in August;
- Feast of the Madonna of the Rosary on 7th October.