A few kilometres away from the splendid Crotone and Sila
National Park, is where one will find Cutro,
situated in a panoramic position in the valleys of the Rivers
Tacina and Esaro.
It was ancient Kyterion, an area of the Enotrian population
mentioned by the Greek historian Ellanico of Mitilene, who
lived during the V century BC.
It was then subdued by the Greeks (V century BC), the Bruzi
(IV century BC) and finally the Romans (III century BC).
During Medieval times, it reappeared by the name of Cutrum
(a cavity of land or pot). It was then the property of the
Eastern Roman Empire (VI century) during the High Medieval
period, when Basilian monks arrived in its territory in escape
from iconoclastic persecution perpetuated by the Emperor.
After centuries, Cutro slowly resumed life around these monks.
Frederick II of Swabia granted much of Cutro's lands (1225)
to the S. Angelo de Frigillo of Mesoraca Abbey.
Under the Angioinians, it became the first fief of the Aversa
(1294) and then the De Riso families, and politically followed
the fates of the Santa Severina earldom.
During 1496, King Frederick d'Aragona, sold the earldom of
Santa Severina, and therefore also Cutro to Andrea Carafa.
In 1551, it was liberated from the Santa Severina administration
and at the same time acquired some benefits which boosted
the economy.
It was the native land of Giò Leonardo Di Bona, known
as “il Puttino”, a great chess master, who after
winning a match against Ruy López, Bishop of Segura,
renounced the award and instead asked for 20 years tax exemption
for Cutro and obtained the title of City (1575).
In 1625 the fief passed to the Ruffo family, Marquises of
Scilla, and therefore to the Filomarino (1659), who ruled
it until the abolition of feudalism (1806).
On 8th March 1832, Cutro was completely destroyed by a disastrous
A visit to the City
Among the remarkable and evocative buildings, we would like
to mention the Monachelle Church, with a white tuff portal
from the Renaissance period, the Santa Maria della Pietà
Church (1730), the Chiesa Madre (Mother Church), which was
reconstructed after the 1832 earthquake, the Frati Minori
Convent with its beautiful bell tower and which preserves
a wooden crucifix from the XVII century in its interior.
The Towers and the small Chirizzi Fort (end of '400s) are
in the state of abandonment.
In the S. Anna locality, one can visit Villa Margherita, a
beautiful villa example with its 19th century style garden.
Cutro is also famous for its bread production.
Place of interest
- Cattedrale dell’Annunziata (XV sec.)
- Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà (1730)
- Chiesa delle Monachelle o S. Chiara (XVI sec.)
- Chiesa di San Rocco (XV sec.)
- Convento dei Frati Minori
- Palazzo Santa Chiara
- Villa Margherita
- Palazzo Grisi
- Torre e Fortino di Chirizzi (fine ‘400)
- Visita a Crotone
- Parco Archeologico di Capo Colonna
- Villa romana a Casabona
- Villa Romana a S. M. Marchesato
- Parco Nazionale della Sila
- Isola di Capo Rizzuto
- Nessun Museo segnalato
- Festa del Santissimo Crocifisso a maggio
- Rievocazione della sfida di scacchi la sera del 12 agosto