Monasterace is a small Medieval village
in a panoramic position along the southern
Ionian coast. It is divided into two fractions or hamlets:
Superiore and Marina.
Its name derives from the Byzantine Monasteraki, which refers
to a monastery site in Monasterace Marina, near to the remains
of Kaulonia.
The site definitely suffered Saracen raids (IX century), which
pushed its inhabitants towards more secure places, leading
to the foundation of Monasterace Superiore. The defensive
needs are confirmed by the presence of its Castle, already
present during the year 1038.
Monasterace passed under Norman domination beginning midway
through the XI century and was then granted the Ordine of
Malta. It was therefore given to various feudatories.
Under the Angioinians, it was granted by Queen Giovanna I
to Prince Errico Caracciolo, in thanks for his help given
in the war against Ludovico, King of Hungary and brother to
the dead queen’s husband, who died under mysterious
It passed from the Caracciolo to the Arena family, then the
Galeota, who were driven away by the Aragonese (XV century).
The village then passed to the Monacus family who ruled it
until 1621.
An earthquake gravely damaged the village in 1659.
During the 18th century, Monasterace belonged to the following
families: Abenante, Perrelli, Tomacelli, Martucci, Baron Oliva
and Baron Scoppa..
A visit to the City
The village has a beautiful panoramic position along the
Jonian coast and is dominated by its Castle of Byzantine origin,
which has been heavily re-adjusted over the centuries.
Some buttresses and parts of the Medieval wall remain a testimony
to an ancient past.
One should visit the S. Croce Parochial, which preserves a
canvas from the ‘700s in its interior.
In the vicinity of Monasterace Marina, one can visit the remains
of the ancient Greek hill of Kaulonia
Place of interest
- Castello bizantino (X sec.)
- Parrocchiale di S. Croce
- Sito Archeologico di Kaulonia
- Visita di Stilo
- Visita di Badolato
- Visita di Bivongi
- Nessun Museo segnalato
- Processione della Candelora a febbraio
- Settimana Santa
- Processione di San Giuseppe Lavoratore il 1°maggio -
Festa di S. Andrea Aavellino il 12 maggio il 10 novembre
- Festa della Madonna di Portosalvo l'ultima domenica giugno
- Processione del Rosario ad ottobre
- Festa di San Nicola Il 5 e 6 dicembre
- Processione di Santa Caterina a dicembre