Overlooking the Simeri Valleys, on the slopes of Sila Piccola,
is where one will come across Zagarise, standing
on a hill in a good panoramic position, not too far from the
Jonica coasts of the Squillace Gulf.
The village of Zagarise was presumably founded around the
year 1000, becoming a religious centre which was very active
through its monasteries. The name in dialect signifies “useful
The Normans had a Watch Tower constructed which is still present
in the village. The village was probably giving in fief to
Ugo Falloch (XI century).
Following the Plague epidemic during 1413, which brought the
centre of Barbaro to its knees, there was a process of immigration
of its inhabitants towards Zagarise.
A visit to the City
The Madre di S. Maria Assunta Church presents a façade
in grey tuff from the Sila, a beautiful portal with strombatura
(the cut around the door or window to allow maximum usage
for light etc.) and central rosette.
Next to the church one can visit the Sacra Silvestro Frangipane
Museum of Art, which hosts 16th century works and 17th century
In the centre of the city one can still admire the well preserved
Norman Tower (XII century).
Place of interest
- Torre Normanna
- Chiesa Madre di S. Maria Assunta (XV sec.)
- Resti della Chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli
- Chiesa del Rosario (XV sec.)
- Monastero S. Maria dell'Acquaviva o Monacara
- Monastero o Chiesa di S. Maria dell Sana (XII sec.)
- Monastero di San Giorgio (XIV sec.)
- Monastero di S. Angiolo di Frigillo (XIII sec.)
- Monastero basiliano dei "Tre Fanciulli"
- Sorgente Ceresito
- Sorgente Cella
- Sorgente Cestoro
- Resti di Taverna Vecchia
- Parco Nazionale della Sila
- Visita di Albi
- Visita di Taverna
- Visita di Sersale
- Visita di Tiriolo
- Visita di Simeri Crichi
- Visita di Cropani
- Visita di Mesoraca
- Visita di Petilia Policastro
- Visita di Catanzaro
- Museo d'Arte Sacra Silvestro Frangipane
- Museo dell'arte contadina
- Fiera del Rosario a Ottobre