Soverato is a centre of the southern part
of the Squillace Gulf, known by the name
of Pearl of the Jonio.
The old name of Poliporto unveils the centre's Greek origins,
which centuries later in history became known as Suberatum
During the Roman Imperial period it was a harbour and important
commercial centre, as proven by notable finds uncovered in
the marine.
Following the Arabic conquest on Sicily (827), it suffered
frequent Saracen attacks which pushed its inhabitants to abandon
the coastal centre and found new settlements in the hills.
The new centre passed under various dominions: Norman, who
placed it under the control of the diocese of Squillace, the
Swabians (1194), who gave it in fief to the Passalacqua. The
Angioinians (1271) who entrusted it to the count of Squillace,
Simone de Monfort, followed by the Aragonese (1443), the Borgia,
Scoglio and Marincola.
The centre was almost completely destroyed by terrible seismic
tremors during 1783 then later reconstructed.
At the end of the XIX centre, some inhabitants moved towards
the coast to re-found the coastal centre.
A visit to the City
In Soverato, one can visit: the Madonna del Rosario Church
and the Sant'Antonio of Padova Church from where one can admire
a noteworthy panorama of the Gulf.
The ruins of Old Soverato is not too distant from the more
recent centre. One can still admire parts of the wall with
three circular towers and the ruins of two churches.
Along the coast, one can visit the remains of a 15th century
tower, part of the coastal defensive system which was erected
under the wishes of Carlo V in defence of Turkish raids (XVI
Place of interest
- Chiesa della Madonna del Rosario
- Chiesa di Sant'Antonio di Padova
- Resti delle mura
- Torre costiera ('500)
- Giardino Botanico
- Il Carnevale di Soverato
- Settimana Santa a Pasqua
- Fiera della Galilea il lunedì e martedì dopo
- Fiera di S. Anna alla fine di luglio
- Magna Grecia Film Festival alla fine di luglio
- Giochi di Eutimo la prima settimana di agosto
- Festa di Maria SS di Porto Salvo la 2° domenica di agosto
- Festa patronale Maria SS Addolorata la 3° domenica di
- Sagra delle Melanzane in Soverato Superiore la 3° domenica
di settembre