Appreciated touristic locality
and thermal center, Sarnano rises on a hill
at 539 meters of height and dominates the surrounding panorama
in the territory of the Sibillini Park.
The name and the origins seem to derive from the Latin “Sarnus”,
of Augustan age. It knew the domination of the Byzantins
and the Longobards before returning definitively
to Church (VIII cent.) in the sphere of the
donation of lands made by the Emperor Charle the Great,
Franks' king.
It became free Comune (Municipality) in 1265
acquiring the present urban planning of medieval village surrounded
with town-walls.
Sarnano maintains intact its medieval aspect
and owns a Castrum structure, that is a city with
town-walls that owns its center in the Piazza Alta
(High Public square) and descendant structure along the slope
of the hill with concentrich streets and very narrow alleys.
The main monuments of Sarnano appears on the Piazza Alta:
the Church of S.Maria Assunta (second half
of XIII cent.) with the beautiful white carved portal, the
Palazzo del Popolo, the Palazzo
dei Priori and the Palazzo del Podestà.
To be visited in the village also the Church of San
Francesco (XIV cent.), the Pinacoteca Comunale
(Civic Museum) and the Library.
Sarnano also is known like goal of tourism for winter
sports being surrounded from a rich and varied territory
that can offer to the visitor some unforgettable excursions:
to the Lago di Pilato (Pilato's
Lake), to the Gole dell'Infernaccio
(Infernaccio's Gorges) and the Cave of Frasassi.