Corleto Perticara is a Medieval centre of
Val d’Agri. It is an agricultural centre immersed in
green vegetation which is known today as a holiday locality.
Its name derives from the Latin term corulus, meaning hazel.
While Perticara derives its name from neighbouring Castrum
Perticarii, an ancient Roman centre known by the name of Perticaria,
which already during the ‘500s results as uninhabited.
The present day habitation derives from a fort which existed
during the Norman era (XII century).
It was subsequently a fief of the Sanseverino and Ruffo families
and under the Aragonese (XV century), of the Sanframondi.
Under Emperor Charles V, (XVI century), the fief passed to
the De Castella and became a marquisate of Casa Costanzo (15
March 1601). Mid way through the ‘600s, it passed therefore
to the Riario family (1659), who ruled it unto the end of
feudal rights (1806).
Just prior to Unification into the Reign of Italy (1861),
the village was gravely damaged by seismic tremours (1857).
Corleto Perticara assumed a prominent role in the Liberal
movement which led to the end of the Reign of the Two Sicilies:
16th August 1860 proclaimed the end of the Bourbon monarchy.
During the Second World War conflict, the area was seriously
damaged and the Norman Castle was almost completely destroyed.
The 1980 earthquake once again damaged the habitation.
A visit to the City
After bombing during the Second World War, only a few arches
remain from the Norman Castle, exactly where Palazzo degli
Uffici is positioned, being the seat of the Municipal building.
Not too distant, one will find the Chiesa Madre, dedicated
to the Assumption. It has an Arabian style dome, and preserves
a Choir from the ‘600s in its interior.
Just outside the habitation, one will find the Madonna della
Stella Sanctuary.
Place of interest
The remains of the Norman Castle: Palazzo degli Uffici; S.
Maria Assunta Matrix Church; S, Antonio of Padua Church and
Convent; S. Antonio of Padua New Church; SS Annunziata Church;
Fountains; Madonna della Stella Sanctuary.