Not too far from Abriola, positioned on a spur to the left
of the La Terra River, is where one can visit Calvello,
immersed in the midst of beech wood forests.
Its name derives from a mix of two words: Caro et vellus
(Meat and Wool) with clear reference to sheep farming and
It was founded as a stronghold during Longobard domination,
but the village subsequently developed around the year 1170
when some Benedictine monks founded the S. Maria del Piano
Abbey and a chapel on Mount Saraceno.
At the time, the noble of Calvello was Count Bernardo. With
the Angioiniansan (1268) ascent to the throne of Naples as
victors in the battle against the Swabians, the population
rebelled at bad governing by the feudatories chosen by the
King, who then sent his troops to calm the revolt.
During the XVI century, it was fief of the Carafa family,
then the Cutini and Ruffo di Castelcicala families.
Calvello supported the Republican campaign during 1799 and
was also distinguished greatly during the Carbonari motions
by hosting the most important Carbonari meetings in the south
It became part of the Reign of Italy in 1861.
A visit to the City
A visit to the City – There are numerous churches to
visit in Calvello, among which we cite a rich gem of its history,
namely the Santa Maria del Piano church with its beautiful
Romanesque portal (XII century).
Another church of artistic interest is the Santa Maria degli
Angeli which conserves frescoes in its interior from the ‘600s.
At the summit of the hills one can visit the Gorio Castle.
The Sant’Antonio Bridge dates back to the XII century.
A visit to the S. Maria sul Monte Saraceno Sanctuary is interesting.
It was founded by the Benedictines during the XII century.
Place of interest
Gorio Castle; S. Giovanni Battista Matrix Church; Santa Maria
del Piano Church (XII century); Santa Maria degli Angeli Church;
SS Trinità Church; S. Antonio Abate Church; S. Francesco
of Paola Church; Purgatorio Church; S. Antonio Church; S.
Antonio Bridge (XII century); the “Castle”; S.
Maria del Monte Saraceno Sanctuary; Eremita del Monte Saraceno
Grotto; Chiesa Rurale della Madonna delle Grazie; Chiesa Rurale
di S. Lucia; Chiesa Rurale della SS: Annunziata.