Few kilometers far from Perugia,
along the Tiber valley it rises Deruta, synonym
since the Middle Ages of ceramics production.
At first the citizen produced simple tile tools for themselves
but, with the advent of San Francesco, the production increased
due to the needs of the rising convents of the region and
subsequently, through the import of new colors and techniques
from Africa and Arabia, the technique was deeply refined.
All that can be better understood both visiting the Museum
of the Ceramics and the medieval village: entering
from "Porta di S. Michele Arcangelo" it's possible
to see some ancient kilns in disuse.
Deruta is able to offer also remarkable examples of architecture
like the Palazzo Comunale (1300) and the Gothic church of
S. Francesco (1388) in Piazza dei Consoli, and the church
of S. Antonio Abbate with frescoes by Bartolomeo
and Giovanni Battista Caporali, representing the life of the
The Pinacoteca Comunale, hosted in the ononimous Palace, keeps
an important collection of paintings coming from all the churches
of the Deruta.