Città di Castello
rises a low hill in the upper Tiber's valley.
It was founded
by Umbri with the name of Tiferno and passed
to Rome with the battle of Sentino of the 295 a.C knowing
a period of well-being and economic development.
With the
end of the Roman Empire it was completly destroyed the Goths
leadedi Totila in VI sec. and, reconstructed by bishop Florido,
it became Castrum Felicitatis under the Longobards' domination.
In the Middle Ages it took its modern name and became one
of the most important "Comuni" of the region. Evidence
of this power surely are the two splendid palaces of the Priori
and Podestà, works by the architect
Angelo da Orvieto. The Duomo, erected in
the XI century where once rose a Roman temple, has been changed
later assuming a Renaissance aspect.
The Pinacoteca Comunale, keeps works by Raffaello,
Signorelli and Domenico Ghirlandaio.
Città di Castello, due to its geographic position in
the region and its dialetto, differs from the other cities
of Umbria.