To the border between Umbria
and Tuscany, on a hill between val di Chiana and the Trasimeno
lake, it stands an ancient village of sure fascination totally
built with bricks: Città delle Pieve,
place of birth of Pietro Vannucci better known with the name
of “Perugino” who has left many
testimonies of its art here.
The village surely deserves a
visit for the splendid panorama that it offers and the particularitity
of its alleys: one so is tightened to be called vicolo
Città di Pieve has a medieval aspect, visible in the
very well conserved town-walls and the architecture of the
Duomo di SS.Gervasio and Protasio with a
beautiful Romanesque bell tower. Internally it keeps works
by Perugino, by Domenico Alfani and the Pomarancio,
other illustrious citizen. Worthy of a visit also the Torre
Civica with Lombardic Romanesque architecture, the
Palazzo dei Priori, the Torre del
Vescovo and the impressive Rocca Perugina,
porjected in 1326 by the architects Lorenzo and Ambrogio Maitani.
A church with works by Pomarancio is dedicated to San Francesco
while works by Perugino are kept inside the churches of S.Maria
dei Servi and S.Antonio Abate.
The city hosts between the 10th and 15th of August the Palio
dei Terzieri, during which the three factions of
the city defy themselves with arc commemorating a far away
past of fightings.