Famous all over the world
for the production of the ceramics, Castelli
rises during the Carolingia age (IX-X sec.) with the phenomenon
of the "incastellamento" (building castle) that
characterizes the cities in the High Middle Ages.
The dates 1000 registeres the presence Benedictines
monks in the Abbey of Saint Salvatore. Castelli firstly is
property of the counts of Pagliara and then of the family
Orsini (1340). In 1526, for wanting of the emperor Carl V,
passes to marquises of Mendoza who will manage it for centuries.
The village is famous for the production of the ceramics and
still today it is possible to visit the numerous shops that
characterize the entire center.
Maximum monument of Castelli is the Parrochiale di
San Giovanni Batista (XVI sec.) that keeps precious
majolicate works.
Not far from the village there's the Church of Saint
Donato in which is possible to admire splendid ceiling
adorned with ceramics ('600), maximum expression of the art
of ceramics in Castelli.
The village, for its vicinity to the Gran Sasso of Italy,
is an ideal base of departure for the excursions and ascensions
to the higher mount of Central Italy.