Under Pietro Polani (1130-48),
the Consiglio of the Dieci Savi (Council of the 10 Sages)
was established, with executive duties limited to the power
of the doge, therefore seeing the beginning of the Veneciarum
council, from the line of rich and powerful mercantile families.
The conquest of Zara and the foundation of the latino d’oriente
empire (4a Crusade, 1204), allowed the first Venetian ownership
in the Mediterranean which lead to an encounter with the Republic
of Genova (Genoa). The city however, kept its own maritime
and commercial dominions solid, guaranteed by the inheritance
of the legislative assembly and the creation of new branches
(Consiglio dei Dieci, 1310), deputized to repress any opposition
of the mercantile oligarchy which dominated the city.
Hit hard by the Pestilence of 1348, the city underwent a terrible,
prolonged demographic and political crisis, until the victorious
war of Chioggia (1378-81) against the league formed by the
Kings of Hungary, Florence and Genova (Genoa) . The renewal
marked the beginning of the expansion towards the mainland:
after conquering the Venetian inland (1402-20), Brescia (1426)
and Bergamo (1428), the advancement was stopped on the Adda
by the Milanese, but the city recognized the new possession
with the peace of Lodi (1454). The territory of the Republic,
extended from Bergamo to Istria and Inglobava Ravenna, some
Roman zones and also that of Puglia. The alliance between
the Papacy, France (who had occupied the Duchy of Milan),
Spain and the empire (league of Cambrai, 1508) brought it
to defeat (Battle of Bologna, 1530.)