Already an inhabited centre during the 5/7th centuries,
after the invasion of the Unni and the Longobards: is where
the refugees from the city of Altino found
shelter. The island’s name probably derives from TURRICELLUM (the small tower erected in
memory of the lost Patria).
In 638, the Bishop of Altino transferred
sacred relics here, and from that moment on the history of
Torcello continued to exist until the decline of the Republic.
It became an autonomous government, with Podestà and
Consiglio, who ran a wool industry.
After a walk through the silence of the main canal, whose
banks are united by the so called Ponte del Diavolo (Devils
Bridge), in the middle of reed thicket and typical houses
of Veneto, you come to the heart of the island, la piazzetta
(small square).
- Piazzetta with its marble seat, is
called the “trono di Attila”
(Attila’s throne), but which was really used by
the tribunes of the island; on one side there’s
the palazzetto gotico (Gothic Palaces)
of the 14th Century - once upon a time seat of the island’s
Consiglio (Council) - and on the other side, the Palazzo
dell’Archivio (Archives). The Palazzo del Podestà
is situated between the two.
- The Cattedrale (Cathedral) is dedicated
to S. Maria Assunta and should have been
founded during the times of Eraclio, emperor of Bisanzio
in 639, by order of dell’Esarca ravennate Isaacio
(from Ravenna). Originally, a simple church of devotion,
but then it was restored and renovated due to the fact
it become the seat of the Bishop at the end of the 600’s.
The circular Battistero (Baptistery)
was positioned in front of it. The Cathedral underwent
reconstruction and renovation in 864 and 1008. Looking
at it today, we can see a Veneto-Byzantium construction
of the 11th Century, based on Roman Cathedrals, it is
the most ancient, preserved, architectural monument of
the lagoon. The Facciata (Façade):
is from the 9th Century, increased in height during the
11th, preceded by a porch. On the side of the Church,
you can still see the stipiti (window-posts)
in stone, aiding the closure of the windows. L’abside
centrale esterna (the external central arch)
is from the 7th Century and was increased in height during
the 11th Century, incorporating the small arch corresponding
to the Crypt below it. The campanile
(tower) is a robust square tower. From the summit, you
can enjoy a enchanting view of the lagoon, spreading out
on one side towards the mainland and on the other towards
- The interior: Basilican layout of
three naves, two lines of nine columns with Corinthian
type arches (all from the 11th century, apart from the
second and third from the right, which date back to the
6th Century), three arches and wooden ceiling. The Flooring
is in marble mosaic dating back to the 11th Century. There’s
also the stone tomb of the Bishop Paolo d’Altino.
The coro (choir) area in the presbytery
is original, dating back to the 11th Century; The Iconostasis
is composed of boards depicting the Virgin and the Apostles:
the marble Pluteus have splendid figures
of lions and peacocks on it and probably dates back to
the 6th Century; the Main Presbytery Altar
is primitive from the 7th Century and contains the vestments
of S. Eliodoro, first Bishop of Altino, who transferred
here in 635. On the left, on the walls, you can find original
inscriptions of the foundation of the Church: this is
the oldest document ever written regarding Venetian history.
From its six steps, you go up to the Cattedra
Vescovile (Bishop’s Pulpit). Under the
arch, the original Crypt extends out.
The Basin and the Triumphant
Arc are covered by mosaic, of which the original
icons date back to the 7th Century, but its execution
can also be linked to the 11th Century. The Vergine
“Teologa” is represented
here, that is the Mother of God (or “Hodegjètria:”
a position which she indicates with her hand to the child
she’s holding in her arms; a symbol of the one who
indicates the way of truth and life) and further below,
the line of the 12 Apostles (these are
from the school of Ravenna); on the Arc of Triumph the
Annunciation (Byzantium). The mosaics
of the lateral right arch were inspired by those of the
presbytery of S. Vitale of Ravenna and were probably carried
out around 864, during the era of Bishop Adeodato. On
the opposite wall, you can find a wonderful mosaic,
depicting complex figures of the Apotheosis of
Christ and the Universal Judgement, which dates
back to the 12th/13th Centuries. On the upper part, there’s
a scene depicting the Descent to the state of Limbo and
two marvellous Archangels. Together the overall style
has an immense narrative/ didactic value. It’s divided
in 6 areas from the top:
1) Christ on the cross between the Virgin and
St. John – 2) the
Descent of Christ to the state of Limbo (Christ
breaks down the doors of hell and the dead rise from their
graves, Christ is holding Adam’s arm, behind you
can see Eve and two Kings), with the two Archangels Michael
and Gabriel. – 3) Christ in Glory in the
Mandorla of light between the Virgin, S. John the Baptist,
the Apostles and Saints – 4) l’Etoimasia
on the prepared throne, you can see the open book of the
Sacred Scriptures (symbol of the presence of God awaiting
the Final Judgement), Adam, Eve and the Angels are all
kneeling with smaller angels – 5)
above the door: The Archangel Michael weighs the
souls with scales and the Devil puts those who belong
to him in his haversack/ on the right sits Lucifer
in a stream of fire/on the left the chosen – 6)
on the right, the damned and the various infernal
punishments, on the left various scenes, amongst
which St. Peter at the door of Paradise.
- Next to the Cathedral, the religious settlement is
completed by the Chiesa di S. Fosca:
constructed on a central plan (reminiscent of an old paleo-christian
martyrium of the 11th/12th Centuries, with an external
Porch on five sides, the central arch
is pentagonal shaped. The Interior, characterized
by soberness and spirituality of the ambience, is set
out like a Greek cross with three naves; the planned central
dome was substituted by wooden coverage.
- In the two Council Palaces and in the Archives, you
can find the home of the Lapidarium (Lapidary)
discovered during archaeological digs carried out on the
island and the History Museum of Estuario
Art City

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