Museo Civico (Civic
faces the southern side of Piazza del Municipio. At the moment
it’s closed for restoration which includes total reconstruction
works. The collection includes paintings from the 14th-18th
Century but also works by more modern and contemporary artists.
The collection is still however visible in that it’s
momentarily housed in a section of the museum at the ex Santo
Spirito (Holy Spirit) Monastery.
Museo Diocesano:
can be found in front of the cathedral and is housed in a
modern building. Some of the pieces from the collection are
conserved in the Archaeological Museum due to restoration
works. The Museum possesses numerous pieces of notable interest,
amongst which archaeological finds form the II Century AD,
medieval frescoes recovered from the walls of the cathedral,
sacred equipment in enamel from Limoges, sacred ancient wall
hangings and vestments.
Museo Archeologico Regionale (Regional Archaeological Museum):
is located close to the Church of Saint Nicola, along the
archaeological route, which from the centre of the City leads
to the areas of temples from Magna Greece, in an area which
corresponds to the superior agora of the ancient city. The
structure incorporates part of the old Monastery of S. Nicola.
The collection is divided into two sections: that, rich in
finds to do with Agrigento and that which deals with the neighbouring
areas. All the pieces are of high quality and historical importance:
examples date from pre-historic testimonies right up to the
arrival of the Greeks in Gela, then continues with an “account”
of the foundation of various cities and colonies. Every type
of Greek art is represented: painting vases, statues, capitals,
reliefs, decorations, jewellery and furnishings. After the
museum, the true and proper discovery begins with architectonic
testimonies through a visit to the temples and sanctuaries,
that which is defined today as the “Archaeological Park
and Scenic Walk through the Valley of the Temples.”