Monuments of Ancient
Serviane Wall (6th Century BC), Romolo’s tomb (6th-5th
BC), via Appia (4th Century BC), basilica Emilia (Cathedral)
(3rd Century BC), teatro di Marcello (theatre) (2nd Century
BC), aqueduct of the Aqua Marcia (144 BC), ponte Milvio (bridge)
(109 BC), aqueduct of the Aqua Iulia (1st Century BC), templi
di largo Torre Argentina (temples) (55 BC), foro di Cesare
(forum) (54 BC), foro of Augusto (7th BC), ponte di Agrippa
(1st Century), acqueduct of the Aqua Virgo (1st Century),
ponte Neroniano (bridge) (1st Century, Domus Aurea (64), arco
di Tito (1st Century), Amphitheatre of Flavio o Colosseo (79-80),
foro of Nerva (1st Century), foro of Traiano (111-14), Traiana
Column (2nd Century), Pantheon (27 BC, reconstructed 118-125),
Antonina Column, said to be of Marco Aurelio (180-192), arco
of Settimion Severo (203), Thermal Baths of Caracalla (212),
Aureliane Wall (3rd Century, Thermal Baths of Diocleziano
(306), Cathedral of Massenzio (308.12), arco di Costantino
Paleo-Christian and Medieval Period:
Catacomb of Domitilla (1st Century), of S. Callisto (2nd Century),
S. Costanza (4th Century), S. Maria Maggior, church of S.
Sabina and S. Stefano Rotondo (5th Century), church of S.
Maria in Cosmedin (6th-7th Centuries), S. Maria in Domnica
(9th Century), S. Prassede (9th Century), S. Maria in Aracoeli
(9th-13th Centuries), S. Clemente (1108), S. Saba (1205),
S. Lorenzo outside the Wall (12th Century), S. Maria in Trastevere
(12th Century, S. Maria sopra Minerva (1208), Abbey of the
Three Fountains (1221-16th Centuries).
From the Renaissance to the 20th Century:
Palazzo Venezia (1455), church of S. Maria del Popolo (1477)
and S. Agostino (1479-83), Castel S. Angelo, constructed on
the remains of the old mausoleum of Adriano, already transformed
into a fort (1492-1503), church of S. Pietro in Montorio (1503),
Chancery Palace (1511), church of S. Pietro in Vincoli (Mausoleum
of Giulio II), piazza del Campidoglio (square) through the
designs of Michelangelo and the Palazzo Farnese (1534-49),
Palazzi Vaticani (rooms and lodgings of Raffaello, 1513; Cappella
Sistina (Sistine Chapel) with frescoes by Michelangelo, 1508-12
and 1534-41), Farnesina (1510), Villa Madama (1517, from a
design by Raffaello), church of S. Luigi dei Francesi (1518),
Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne (1532-36), work of B. Peruzzi),
Villa Medici (1544), Villa of Giulio III (1551-53), church
of S. Maria degli Angeli (1566), Palazzo dei Conservatori
(1568), church of Gesù (Jesus) (1568), church of S.
Maria in Vallicella (1575), Palazzo Borghese (1560-1614),
Palazzo del Quirinale (17th Century), Palazzo Barberini (1625-33),
church of the Cappuccini (1626), S. Maria della Pace (1632),
S. Ivo alla Sapienza, of the S. Ambrogio and Carlo al Corso
and of S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (1638), Navona Square
(fountain of the River of Bernini, 1651), church of S. Giovanni
in Laterano (1646-49), S. Peter in Vatican (Bramante, 1506;
Michelangelo, 1546; dome, 1589; column of Bernini, 1656-67),
S. Agnese in Agone (1652), S. Andrea al Quirinale (1678),
piazza di Spagna, (staircase of the Trinita dei Monti, 1723-26),
Tevi Fountain (1732), piazza del Popolo (1816-20), church
of S. Paul outside the Wall (1823), Architectonic complex
of the EUR (1942), Olympic Stadium (1960, amplified in 1990),
the Palazzo dello Sport by Pierluigi Nervi (1958-59), the
complex of the Città della Musica (music city) with
the Auditoriums of Renzo Piano (2002).
Art City