Funeral sculptures became
widespread (portraits, marble sarcophagus), with themes which
were no longer mythological but Dionysian and civil. There
were also examples of monumental art (thermal baths of Caracalla).
The Diocleziano reform (290) extended the artisitic production
to the whole Empire, mostly through the construction of imposing
buildings (Arch of Galerio in Salonicco, thermal baths of
Diocleziano in Rome, Imperial Palace in Spalato).
During the 4th Century, from
Costantino to Teodosio, there was a final productive period
of Roman art. Administrative centralization and military power,
but also an economic and social crisis, were reflected in
an austere geometric tendency of forms, accompanied a certain
thematic eclectism, due to Christianity and the increasing
The solemn representation of the Maestà Imperiale (Imperial
Highness) traditional references (exploits of Traiano, Adriano
and Marco Aurelio), the celebration of exploits (Victory of
the Ponte Milvio – bridge) are the elements which are
constituted on the Arch of Costantino, the prefect synthesis
of eclectism from the decline and prelude of Byzantinism,
evident in the obelisk of Teodosio, the last great work of
Roman art.
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