Percorso Archeological e Capitolare
the Percorso is housed in the ancient Palazzo dei Vescovi
to the right of the Cathedral (a mediaeval structure built
between the 12th and 13th Centuries. It’s positioned
in the underground areas of the building and is laid out following
a chronological route, further sub-divided in typological
sections connected by the pieces on show. There is also evidence
of digs which document the archaeological stratification below
before the building’s construction. On the ground floor
instead, the visit to the Capitolare Museum begins with relics
from the 14th and 15th Centuries and contains the Chapel of
San Niccolò dating back to the 12th/13th Centuries.
Palazzo del Comune – Museo Civico (Communal Building
– Civic Museum):
the other side of the Duomo Square is dominated by the solemn
architecture of the Communal Building, where construction
began at the beginning of 1294 and continued until 1353, subsequently
undergoing further modifications and additions. On the first
floor of the building – after visiting the Guelphs,
Ghibellines and main rooms – visitors can enter the
Civic Museum, re-arranged in 1982: the nucleus consists mainly
of collections from religious institutions originating from
the suppression of the 18th and 19th centuries. The most conspicuous
part is that regarding the paintings on the tablets from Romanesque
times to the 14th Century.
Palazzo Rospigliosi:
the name derives from one of the most important families in
the ancient history of Pistoia, who were rich medieval merchants
and then it was devoted to the manufacturing industry. The
family was also honoured by the election of a Pope from one
of its members: Pope Clemente IX. The building hosts the Museum,
which carries the name of the family itself (with a rich collection
of paintings) and the new Diocesan Museum with beautiful examples
of sacred jewellery.
“Marino Marini” Documentation Centre:
is positioned in the convent annex complex of the
Church of S. Antonio dei Frati del Tau (the name derives from
the Tau sign in blue enamelling, inspired by the one worn
by the brothers on their cloaks). The centre conserves an
entire collection of graphic works from the great artist born
in Pistoia, one of the most notorious sculpturers of a worldwide
level, regarding the 20th Century. Some sculptures are also
preserved here, together with watercolours and oils.