Trieste, the main town of Friuli-Venezia
Giulia, faces the gulf with the same name, and for its past
and recent history, stands as a symbol of Italian vicissitudes.
Today, it has found its role as a blooming commercial and
touristic port, at the foot of the Carso, sheltered by the
borders of Slovenia (diverse border crossings.)-
The commercial,
assurance/insurance and industrial activities are notable
and linked to the presence of the port – an important
access point for traffic heading to Austria. It’s also
a centre for sport activities, linked in particular to nautical
sports, including the renowned “Barcolana,” which
is held annually at the end of summer.
The history of the City is testimony to ancient origins: it
became a Roman colony with the name of Tergeste, in the 1st
Century BC, but was subsequently occupied by the Goths, Byzantines,
Ostrogoths and Longobards. Autonomous since 948, and a council
from 1060, it passed to Venezia in 1202 and in 1328 became
Austrian territory under the crown of the Hapsburgs, in this
way initiating its historical role as the sea route for the
City of Vienna. Tormented by internal conflicts and also by
the Venetian and Istrian populations, it saw a decline in
its economy at the beginning of the 18th Century, when it
became a French port, once again taking up its function as
a main sea route for the Hapsburg Empire. Despite short periods
of French occupation, during the Napoleonic era, it remained
Austrian territory until the end of 1918, when it was annexed
to Italy. From 1943 to 1945, during the course of the last
periods of the Second World War, it was occupied by the Germans
who instigated some repression against the newly organized
resistance organizations and against the Jewish population
by installing the only Nazi extermination camp, situated just
outside the City. It was eventually reached and liberated,
by both the Yugoslavian partisans (1.5.1945) and Anglo-American
troops (2.5.1945), which battled against each other for 40
days, in an attempt to assume control of the City, until finally,
the Yugoslavians, withdrew. Based on the inter-alliance agreement
and the subsequent Peace Treaty (Paris 10.2.1947), it was
instituted as a Free Territory of Trieste, which included
the City and a restricted band of inland, with the hypothesis
that it would be governed by a representation from the ONU.
Until an agreement regarding the form of said governor was
reached, the territory was divided into two: area A, governed
by the Anglo-Americans and area B, governed by the Yugoslavians.
The situation determined a long contention which was finally
resolved by the London agreements (6.10.1954), which stated
that the Territory ceased to exist and the areas which they
had constituted, in practice were assigned respectively to
Italy (zone A) and Yugoslavia (zone B). On 31.1.1963, zone
A was annexed to the Neo-Constituted region of Fruili-Venezia
Giulia and Trieste became its main town. Subsequent Italo-Yugoslavian
di Osimo agreements (10.11.1975), officially and definitively
sanctioned said situation.
Art Cities in Friuli - Venezia
Giulia |
Trieste |